Monthly District Spiritual MINI-Retreats continue!

At our Order of Elder’s breakfast at Annual Conference we introduced a survey asking how we might best serve the needs of the Order. Some of the questions related to whether we should provide Spiritual Retreats for Elders. The results of those questions were overwhelmingly in favor of starting regular Spiritual Retreats.

In response to your requests, we are launching monthly half-day MINI Retreats, holding the retreats in different districts each month. We will also be planning additional retreats in the near future.

The Retreats will be led by Rev. Peter Jamieson. Peter is a retired Elder in GNJ and has been conducting similar retreats in the Eastern PA Annual Conference.


The November GNJ Clergy Spiritual Retreat will be held at Trinity UMC in Hackettstown (213 Main St.) on Wednesday, November 13 between 12:30 and 3:30

The purpose of these retreats is to give us clergy a “rest”.  Not just ordinary rest, but resting in the arms of God.

We will gather, do a brief intro about ourselves, or possibly what is happening in our ministries, and then practice one or two Spiritual Practices and end with Holy Communion.

There is a sign-up available which helps us to understand about how many clergy intend to be there, but please come even if you weren’t able to sign up.



Peter Jamieson